Umpire Information

Umpire Information

Games start at 6:30pm and the last inning cannot start after 8:30pm. Games are scheduled weekly Monday to Thursday from the beginning of May until the end of June.

Must be 12 years of age and older, have a knowledge of the game and have taken an umping clinic.

Carded umpires that renew yearly will be paid according to Baseball Alberta recommendations:

U11, U12- $45 per game

U13 and U14- $50 per game

U15 and U16- $55 per game

U18 and U19- $60 per game


The Umpire Manager for Plamondon Minor Ball Association will be responsible for booking umpires for the season and will record date and level of game umped. 

Umpires will be paid at the end of the season.

The PMBA will cover the fee to attend an umpire clinic.



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